19 December 2019
Council would like to advise all residents, ratepayers and landowners that the water level in the Macquarie River between the weirs is rapidly reducing. NSW Water manages the water in the Macquarie River.
Council operates 2 water supply systems one being bore water and the river water system that is used for lawns and gardens and firefighting.
To ensure that the Warren township firefighting system is available, Council will soon change over the river water to bore water.
Council would like to advise that the bore water contains salt and that this may cause damage to plants and lawns.
Before using the irrigation water on plants and lawns you should check that the water will not cause damage to your plants, trees or lawns.
Council is required to provide water through the river water supply to fight fires. Please take note of this urgent notice and the use of river water.
Water Restriction times will remain the same from 6am to 9am on the odds and evens scheme to be re-evaluated again in January 2020.