Levee Restoration Update
28 April 2024
Council's Levee Restoration Project is comprised of two main components: the replacement of the levee floodgates, which includes improvements to the floodgate pits and pumping arrangements, and the restoration of approximately 200m of the riverbank/levee located adjacent to Lions Park.
At the April Council Meeting, a tender was awarded to Precision Civil Infrastructure to supply and install 44 new Levee Floodgates.
The cost of this project is $868,888.19, inclusive of GST. Initial works will commence in the coming weeks and the project is expected to be completed in April 2025.
Two additional tenders, associated with the Levee Restoration, are also currently open.
The first is for the supply of 8 electric submersible pumps. During flooding events like the ones we experienced in 2021 and 2022, the pumps will be installed at various locations around the levee to pump out stormwater.
The pumps will be powered by diesel generator, all of which will run autonomously.
The second tender is for the supply of 6 diesel generators, ranging in capacity from 50kW to 240kW.
The generators will also be available during other natural disasters to ensure critical infrastructure, such as the water and sewerage pumping station, can be maintained during power outages.
Both of these tenders will close Thursday 9 May 2024.
A third Request For Tender (RFT) will be open in the next few months, for the supply of 100mm diesel driven portable pumps.
Again, during flooding events, these pumps will be installed at locations around the levee to pump out stormwater. As with the submersible pumps and generators, these pumps will start, run and stop automatically as the stormwater level rises and falls.
The final, major component of the Levee Restoration Project is the civil reconstruction of approximately 200m of the riverbank/levee located adjacent to Lions Park.
As part of this work, material will be removed to provide a safe working area to allow the construction of a steel and concrete retaining wall.
The river and levee bank will then be rebuilt, and a 1m thick layer of stone placed over the works to protect it from future damage. Several sites along the levee will receive rock protection to reduce erosion, and a new pathway and handrails will also be constructed.
The detailed design work for the restoration of the levee bank is being finalised. Once the design is completed, these works will be put out to open tender to engage a suitable contractor to carry out the works.
The total cost of the Levee Restoration is $7.1M plus GST, with the works fully grant funded through:
- $5,325,000.00 from the Federal Government's National Flood Mitigation Infrastructure Program;
- $887,500.00 from the New South Wales Government's Coast, Estuary and Flood Grants Program; and
- $887,500.00 from the NSW Office of Local Government's AGRN 1025, NSW Severe Weather and Flooding Local Government Recovery Grant.