From the Mayors Desk - 2 September 2019
02 September 2019
Many residents will have received a flyer from WaterNSW which details Temporary Drought Works for the Macquarie Valley.
Amongst these measures is the temporary raising of the top Warren weir by 50cm to further divert water down the Gunningbar Creek and Albert Priest Channel
to Nyngan and Cobar. Total flow will be about 50 ML per day.
In light of this, Council has been working with WaterNSW and the Critical Water Advisory Panel in order to maintain the water level in the weir pool between
Warren’s top and bottom weirs. WaterNSW will establish an upper and lower water level for the weir pool. When the water level reaches its lower limit
some of the temporary drop boards at the top weir will be removed and the water level reinstated to its upper limit.
I would like to remind town residents that water restriction times do apply on an odds and even basis. Your assistance in staying within the times will
assist everyone to access water.
This means that fire fighting ability will be maintained for as long as possible. If zero inflow were to occur into Burrendong Dam, mid 2020 becomes a
critical time for Warren’s river water supply.
Council’s Local Emergency Management Committee is implementing measures to ensure that should this worst case ensue, firefighting capacity will be maintained
to protect both life and property, contrary to some views.
On the other side, maintenance work is being undertaken on Warren’s Levee system by staff and local contractors. A report has been received on the status
of the levee and a plan prepared to rehabilitate washed out areas.
The continuing dry period and lack of available water has made it difficult to repair and maintain unsealed roads and do edge grading of sealed roads effectively
and as planned. Our rural residents should be rest assured that as soon as the season changes all of our grader crews will be out rectifying this situation.
Milton Quigley
2nd September 2019