Council News - September 2023
31 August 2023
Our latest edition of Council News is now available.
From the Mayor's Desk - September Council News
In light of NAB’s decision to close the local branch in Warren, Council has made the decision to move all of our banking services to Commonwealth Bank. Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, NAB was unwilling to renegotiate the closure, so this transfer in services makes the most operational sense for Council.
In positive news, works in Warren Shire continue to progress, with Marthaguy Road reconstruction works and Dubbo and Stafford Street asphalt re-sheeting completed in August.
The Macquarie River is set to be stocked with over 7,500 Murray Cod fingerlings and over 10,000 Golden Perch fingerlings under the $2-for-$1 Native Fish Stocking Program.
Meanwhile, I’m pleased to report that new pump casings have officially been installed at Oxley Park after a number of delays. I would like to thank Ryan Mason Engineering and B & D Brouff Earthmoving Pty Ltd for prioritising these critical works in order to get them finished on a strict timeline.
And finally, we’re seeking feedback from residents, business owners and stakeholders on the Draft Masterplan for the Warren CBD Upgrades.
An online survey is now open for submissions on Council’s website until 4pm, Friday 22 September 2023 and I strongly encourage the community to have your say.
Clr Milton Quigley
Read all the latest news: Council News September
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