Council News - January 2022
28 January 2022
Our latest edition of Council News is now available.
From the Mayor's Desk - January Council News
Happy 2022! We start the new year with a new Council, and I am both honoured and humbled to be representing our community as Mayor for another term. I welcome Sarah Derrett as our new Deputy Mayor, and a warm welcome to our new and returning Councillors. We have an exciting term in front of us where we will continue to deliver infrastructure and services that positively benefit our Shire community. This includes improving local roads, with a particular focus on those damaged by recent flooding, lobbying for improved health services, as well as completion of the many infrastructure projects that are already well underway throughout the Shire.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our outgoing Councillors for their valuable contribution to our community.
On 26 January, we announced our annual Australia Day Awards with a ceremony for the community to come together and celebrate our citizens.
Huge congratulations go to all of our Australia Day Award winners and nominees, it was wonderful to recognise your achievements and positive impact on our Shire.
I look forward to working together with our community in 2022 and wish everyone a fantastic year ahead.
Clr Milton Quigley
Read all the latest news: Council News January
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