Council Meeting Highlights - April 2022

02 May 2022

Council Meeting Highlights - April 2022  - Post Image


Thursday, 28 April 2022, 8.30am



Warren Shire Council meets on the fourth Thursday of every month, with the exception of November, which is replaced with a meeting on the first Thursday of December.

All Council meetings are filmed and stored online. To view these proceedings please visit

Please find following a selection of highlights from this month’s meeting:





Infrastructure Progress Updates – Item 3


  • Warren Airport Upgrade

Upgrade works for Warren Airport are in the final stages; however, continuing unseasonal rain in recent months has delayed access for heavy machinery to complete these works. The new terminal building frame has been delivered to the site, with the old terminal building demolished and removed.

Quotations received for construction of the new terminal building have all been above budget, with a scarcity of building contractors at this time also proving difficult. Redesign of the concrete slab has been completed, with updated quotes being sourced and final costings being prepared for the completion of works.


  • Village Enhancements for Warren, Nevertire and Collie

More than $1.2M in village enhancements are underway for Warren, Nevertire and Collie including:

  • Rescoping in relation to planting of the final street and park trees in Nevertire and Collie.
  • Kerb, gutter and footpath works in Nevertire are nearing completion. o New Toilet Block for Noel Waters Oval has been ordered.
  • New seating and bin enclosures have been delivered.
  • New electric BBQ for Nevertire Community Park has been delivered.
  • Survey work has been completed for a new access ramp at Lawson/Readford Streets.

Please note: Works in Warren are subject to external funding for the Warren roundabout reconstruction.


  • Carter Oval and the Development of the Surrounds

The $761,562 works funded under the Murray-Darling Basin Economic Development Program – Improvement of Regional Structures Grant are continuing, with irrigation installed on Carter Oval and pathways constructed between sports areas. Construction has commenced on the soccer fields, with additional pathways and a car parking area to be built following the development of the soccer fields and junior cricket field. Reconstruction of the cricket field turf wicket has commenced and is expected to be completed by the end of May, weather permitting.

Works also commenced this month on the 500 LUX LED cricket field lighting and poles, together with additional soccer field lighting, which includes Australian-made poles and 200 LUX LED lighting. The lighting project is funded under the Australian Government’s Drought Communities Extension Program.

Tenders for change rooms and amenities at Carter Oval, with a focus on women, are currently under consideration. The $671,000 work is funded through the NSW Government’s Stronger Communities Round 4.


  • Warren Showground/Racecourse Upgrade

Several projects funded under the Regional Sports Infrastructure Fund are now practically complete. These include:

Equestrian Arena: Following completion of the covered Equestrian Arena, an order has been placed for installation of a dust suppression watering system and Council is obtaining quotes for the supply and installation of kick rails. The sand floor will be re-laid with suitable sand from Narromine, selected by the Adult Riding Club. Council is working with Club representatives to ensure the project is suitable for handover.

Pony Club Cross Country Facilities: Improvement works for the Pony Club Cross Country facilities were completed last month and are now ready for a final practical completion inspection.

GBS Falkiner Lounge and Viewing Area: Works completed this month include the construction of accessible amenities and an existing amenities upgrade including painting, new carpet and tiling. Air conditioning was also installed and commissioned in April 2022.

Refurbishment of the Showground Ladies Toilets: Quotes have been received, with options being investigated and works scheduled to commence after the Warren Show.

Additional projects, funded through the NSW Government’s Showground Stimulus Funding Program, Phase 2C, are progressing with works underway:

  • Work to replace amenities in the Cattleman’s and Horse Sports Camping Area have been completed, with male and female toilets and showers, painting and construction of accessible amenities and laundry all occurring in April and is expected to be completed in May 2022;
  • Installation of a new septic tank for the Main Pavilion amenities will commence in May 2022;
  • Renovation to the men’s amenities in the Main Pavilion to commence following the Warren Show; and
  • Council is currently waiting on further quotes to re-fence the Showground perimeter from local suppliers and rural fencing contractors.


  • New Warren Sewerage Treatment Plan Upgrade

The draft Environmental Protection Licence has been received and reviewed and is now with the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) to be approved and issued. Once issued, full commissioning and testing will commence. The $6,150,000 project is now at practical completion, and once the Contractor has returned to site, a final inspection and commissioning will occur.

  • Grant Applications
  • Council is awaiting responses for the following grant applications:
  • $250,000 to the Crown Reserves Improvement Fund Program for Stage 2 of the Racecourse Bar and Viewing refurbishments.
  • $1,800,000 to the Australian Government’s Murray-Darling Healthy Rivers Program: Large Grants to upgrade the Bryan Egan Weir (Lower Warren Weir) to include the appropriate fish passage to be developed to ‘shovel ready’ status.
  • $352,274 of $622,202 to the Australian Government’s Preparing Australian Communities – Local Stream for a flood mitigation study in partnership with the Australian National University.
  • $300,000 to the Department of Primary Industry & Environment Open Spaces – Places to Play for an adventure playground including children’s bike training track for the Carter Oval Youth Sports Precinct development.
  • $50,000-$100,000 to the NSW Department of Communities and Justice – Expression of Interest Local Government Social Cohesion for upskilling opportunities within the Warren community. This community project is in collaboration with RiverSmart Australia Limited, with the application to be submitted by 2 May 2022.

Draft Warren Shire 2035 Community Strategic Plan, 2022/2023 – 2025/2026 Delivery Program and 2022/2023 Operational Plan Exhibition – Item 4

Warren Shire Council has resolved to put the final draft of the Warren Shire 2035 Community Strategic Plan, the 2022/2023 – 2025/2026 Delivery Program, and 2022/2023 Operational Plan, on public exhibition for a period of 28 days to seek further comment from the community, prior to adoption.

This period of public exhibition follows a process of community engagement and consultation, including an online survey, and community and Councillor workshops, in accordance with Council’s recently adopted Communications and Engagement Strategy and Community Engagement Policy.

The Community Strategic Plan identifies the main priorities, objectives and strategies for the future of Warren Shire for a minimum of 10 years, with the Delivery Program (4-year), Operational Plan (1-year) and Budget Estimates outlining how the community’s vision will be translated into actions.

The draft documents will be available for comment on Council’s website until Thursday 2 June.



Works Progress Report – Finance and Administration Projects – Item 3

On 6 April 2022, Warren Shire Council was notified it was successful in securing a NSW Public Library Infrastructure Grant for “Doorways to an Open-Air Library” in the amount of $315,723.

This project aims to improve accessibility to the library for all visitors through an open-air entrance lobby, increase sustainability through the installation of a rainwater tank and improve communication for all patrons via digital signage.

Concept designs were prepared as part of the grant application; however, these will be subject to community consultation and feedback prior to commencement of this important community upgrade.

2022/2023 Draft Estimates – Item 4

Warren Shire Council has endorsed advertisement of the Draft 2022/2023 Estimates until 4.00pm on Thursday 2 June and will be inviting written public submissions and comments until this time.

The draft 2022/2023 Budget Estimates include a general rate increase of 2.5%, subject to final approval by IPART, and are required to be finalised for adoption by 1 July 2022.

The estimates form part of the Integrated Planning and Reporting documents (Community Strategic Plan, Delivery Program, Operational Plan), on which Council is also seeking community feedback.

A full list of budget estimates can be found on Council’s website.




Works Progress Report: Roads - Item 1


The 2021/2022 Roads Construction program is nearing completion, with the majority of works in recent months focusing on road grading, patching and repair due to the ongoing wet weather conditions.

Recently completed works include:

Grading: Elsinore Road, Mullengudgery Road, Wonbobbie Road, Castlebar Road, Cullemburrawang Way, Duffity Road, Gradery Road, Oxley Road, Canonbar Road and Tabratong Lane.

Heavy patching and rehabilitation: Ellengerah Road (to continue with a final bitumen seal throughout May 2022).

Patching and repair: Carinda Road, Marthaguy Road, Gradery Lane, Stephens Avenue and Buckiinguy Road.


Road maintenance and construction schedule 

 Upcoming maintenance grading works scheduled for May 2022 include:

  •  Oakley Road
  •  Pleasant View Lane
  •  Pineclump Soldiers
  •  Oxley Road

Road maintenance works may be subject to change with any inclement weather.

Capital Works in Progress

  • Construction for Ellengerah Road Segments 22, 24 and 26 are in progress with prime seal applied for Segment 22. This $1.7M project is jointly funded with $698,771 from Fixing Local Roads Round 2, $174,693 in Council Contribution, $211,587 Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program Phase 2 and $634,762 from Fixing Local Roads Round 3.
  • Construction on Old Warren Road Segments 26 and 28 are practically complete with final seal now finished. This $1.6M project is jointly funded with $1,259,960 from Fixing Local Roads Program Round 3, $296,147 from Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program Phase 2, and $123,840 Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program Phase 3.
  • Rehabilitation to the Collie-Trangie Road Regional Road No.347 (Segment 14) is now practically complete. This work is funded through unspent 2020/21 Transport for NSW’s REPAIR Grant.
  • The $800,000 rehabilitation to the Collie-Trangie Road Regional Road No.347 (Segment 16) is now complete to prime seal stage. The project is funded with $400,000 under Transport for NSW’s REPAIR Program and $400,000 under the 2021/2022 Regional Roads Block Grant.
  • Remarking of school zones has taken place from January to April.
  • Warren kerb and gutter replacement on across multiple streets is scheduled for completion in May 2022.

All works listed are in addition to the regular maintenance, patching, edge repairs, slashing and mowing works carried out across all Council facilities.


Grant applications 

Council is awaiting responses for the following grant applications:

  • Rehabilitation of Warren Road, Regional Road 7515 – Consultation has been ongoing with the Federal Government, Infrastructure NSW, Transport NSW and Coonamble Shire Council representatives to progress a new scope of works and additional funding. Council has also made representations to the local member on this issue.
  • Application for $1,255,400 to the Federal Road Safety Program Tranche 4 and 5 for shoulder widening and line marking on RR333 Carinda Road.
  • $800,000 to REPAIR Program 2022/23 for rehabilitation of Collie-Trangie Road, Segment 18.
  • $800,000 to REPAIR Program 2022/23 for rehabilitation of Carinda Road, Segment 14.
  • $15,940,800 for the sealing of Gibson Way, from the boundary with Coonamble Shire, with the replacement of two bridges and construction of a new bridge. An application has been made to the Remote Roads Pilot Program Grant, with $797,040 to be funded by Council.
  • $5,146,000 to the Remote Roads Pilot Program Grant for the sealing of Marra Road, with $514,600 NSW State funded.


Works Progress Report: Town Services – Item 2


  • Warren Lawn Cemetery Stage 3

Upgrades to the Warren Cemetery are continuing, with work on the extension of the river water main for future lawn cemetery expansion to be finalised later this year, following a project rescope. A Cemetery Masterplan will soon be exhibited for community consultation.


  • CCTV and Smoke Testing – Warren and Nevertire Sewer

Quotation documentation is currently under development for CCTV and Smoke Testing of the Sewer at Warren and Nevertire. These works are scheduled to be undertaken in the coming months.


  • Grant applications

Council is awaiting responses for the following town services grants:

  • Warren Levee Rehabilitation: Applications have been submitted to the Australian Government’s Department of Home Affairs, as well as Resilience NSW to consider an application for the Federal Government’s National Flood Mitigation Infrastructure Program 2021-2022. The $7.1M project includes $1.775M in Council funding. An additional application is in progress for the 2022-23 NSW Government’s Floodplain Management Program.
  • Tiger Bay Wetlands Effluent Reuse Scheme for Drought Protection: Funded under the Murray-Darling Healthy Rivers Program – Large Grants, this $504,000 project will enable the installation of an Ultraviolet Disinfection System and pipeline the new Sewerage Treatment Works and Tiger Bay. The project also includes the construction of a Reed Bed at Tiger Bay Wetlands.
  • Stormwater Quality Improvement for Warren: The $1.72M project funded under the Murray-Darling Healthy Rivers Program – Large Grants will enable the installation of 25 Stormwater Quality Improvement Devices at stormwater locations that discharge directly into the Macquarie River and Gunningbar Creek.  




Works Progress Report: Health and Development Services – Item 2


A $5,000 Community Building Partnership Program Grant will see the installation of an Electronic Scoreboard at the Warren Sporting and Cultural Centre later in 2022. The scoreboard has been ordered and will soon be installed at the facility.

Several other improvement projects are also underway for the Warren Sporting and Cultural Centre in 2022, including upstairs accessible amenities, retaining wall, concrete path work and a new sound mixer and external speakers. These projects are funded under the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program – Phase 3.

Three potentially lifesaving defibrillators have been installed at Council facilities including the Waste Depot, the Works Depot, with training completed by grader staff for operation of the third unit.







Following comprehensive community consultation, the Nevertire Water Tower Mural concept design has been accepted by Council as the final design for this mural. This is on the basis of opening the background behind the shearer to free the background and tie the three images together -- putting a continuous cloud line through the three images.


The Public Art on Private Property Mural concept designs have also been accepted by Council as the final designs, subject to the following conditions:

  • Flipping the cod on JC’s Cotton Café 180 degrees so that it faces Dubbo Street and the river, with the name of the fish written in Wayilwan and English;
  • The words ‘Royal Mail’ and ‘Cobb and Co’ being included in the Post Office Stagecoach Mural in accordance with the original picture provided by image owner, Outback Pioneer Longreach, with a credit to be acknowledged.

2. The next Committee Meeting will determine a further location and mural theme to be used as a contingency for the Old Federal Theatre location to allow completion of the project before 30 June 2022.

3. The Collie Tennis Court Wall Mural will be amended to a scene showing Hereford cattle and Merino sheep grazing, with the Marthaguy Creek in the background; and

4. The Nevertire Park Mural will remain the same theme as its concept design, without the inclusion of rolling hills with young children, as well as a move away from abstract art to be between abstract and lifelike imagery.


Council has endorsed a Macquarie River-themed collage to be incorporated on the Lions Park Toilet/Amenities exterior wall, as well as the placement of historical photographs to create a Warrenthemed collage on the Warren CBD Toilet/Amenities wall facing Dubbo Street.

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