ANZAC Day Service - 25 April 2021
20 April 2021
Join us for our Warren Shire ANZAC Day Service.
The Dawn Service will be held at the Cenotaph, Macquarie Park followed by a free breakfast. The ANZAC Day March commences at 10.55 am.
Sunday, 25 April 2021
Full ANZAC Day Schedule
6.00 am Dawn Service – Cenotaph Macquarie Park
6.30 am Free breakfast for children and adults at the Warren Services Club
(Provided by Warren Services Club)
10.00 am March Participants to be in front of the Warren Services Club for Covid registrations
10.50 am Form up for March – Dubbo Street near the Warren Services Club
10.55 am March commences
11.00 am Commemorative Service – Cenotaph Macquarie Park
12 noon Free sausage sizzle lunch – Macquarie Park
(provided by Warren Services Club)
The ANZAC Day March and Service are being held in line with Covid Restrictions. Anyone participating in the March and Service is required to register their details.
Please stay home if you feel unwell or have any flu-like symptoms such as a fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose, loss of smell, or loss of taste.